

Anna Esclusa Feliu

Educationalist. Basale Stimulation® instructor. Promoter of Educational Modulation


Bachelor’s degree in education. Basale Stimulation® instructor and, since 2013, she has presented, at national and international level, her own concept based on the principles of Basale Stimulation: Educational Modulation. She collaborates with the Neurological Stimulation Unit (UEN) in Barcelona and the Asepeyo Hospital in Sant Cugat del Vallès. She combines her therapeutic practice with teaching in the fields of neurorehabilitation and geriatrics, mainly. She is also an Affolter instructor and an NLP practitioner.


12:45-14:15MasterclassListening, communication and meeting: Basale Stimulation® Anna Esclusa Feliu

Physiotherapy in its pure state Are you going to miss it?