

Antonio Meldaña Sánchez

PhD in physiotherapy by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. Physiotherapist specialised in urogynae-proctology and pain


PhD in physiotherapy by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. Physiotherapist specialised in urogynae-proctology and pain. Director of the pelvic floor physiotherapy unit in the urology department (Grupo Urológico San Rafael) at Hospital San Rafael (Madrid) and of the gynaecology service (Gine4) at Hospital Universitario de Montepríncipe (Madrid). Professor in different postgraduate programmes at national level. Over 15 years of clinical experience, which takes most of his professional time.


13:45-14:30SpeechPhysiotherapy and erectile dysfunction Antonio Meldaña Sánchez
09:15-10:45MasterclassAbdominoperineal ultrasounds in females Antonio Meldaña Sánchez
11:00-12:30MasterclassAbdominoperineal ultrasounds in females Antonio Meldaña Sánchez

Physiotherapy in its pure state Are you going to miss it?

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