Joan Parera Turull
Physiotherapist and osteopath. Master’s degree in Chinese medicine. PhD in clinical research
Joan Parera was born in 1971 and got his diploma degree in physiotherapy (UAB) in 1993. He started working at Hospital de Terrassa. He obtained a master’s degree in osteopathy (UAB) in 1998. He set up the Centre d'Osteopatia de Terrassa and combined clinical practice with teaching, as a professor in the UAB master’s programme in osteopathy (2002-2006). He is an AQU accredited lecturer and coordinator of the URL master’s programme in osteopathy (2006-2014). In 2012, he gained a master’s degree in clinical medicine (UMH) and then started his PhD programme in the same university, receiving his cum laude PhD in 2016 with the thesis: “Efectos de la manipulación cervical mediante técnica de ajuste específico en pacientes con latigazo cervical” (Effects of cervical manipulation using specific adjustment technique in patients with whiplash injuries). He currently collaborates with the UB master’s programme in posturology and teaches the course on specific adjustment of the cervical spine at FiosFormació.