Patricia Martín Casas
Neurological and paediatric physiotherapist. PhD awarded by Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Degree in physiotherapy and postgraduate expert degree in neurological physiotherapy by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Her passion for neurology and paediatrics took her to specialising in neurocognitive rehabilitation (Perfetti method) and having numerous stays in Pisa (Italy) to train in that field. At the same time, she focused on developmental alterations in children and their treatment from this approach. Since 2008, she has combined her clinical practice with teaching in the faculty of nursing, physiotherapy, and podiatry at UCM. In 2012 she was awarded a European mention in her PhD on neuropaediatrics and from then on, her main interest in her graduate and postgraduate courses, clinical practice, and research is neurocognitive physiotherapy in children, particularly aimed at an early detection and treatment of the many developmental alterations in babies and children.