Roberta Ghedina
Bachelor’s degree in linguistics. Diploma degree in physiotherapy and speech therapy. Master’s degree in visual therapy
Diploma degree in physiotherapy in 1985 (Milan, Italy). Diploma degree in speech therapy in 1993 (UPC). Bachelor’s degree in linguistics in 2008 (UB). Course on neuropsychology in 2009 (UB). Master’s degree in visual therapy in 2010 (Escola d’Òptica i Optometria de Terrassa, UPC). Certified instructor of the Perfetti method from 1995 to 2015. Professor in the physiotherapy departments at UIc (1998-2006), UManresa (2011-2017), EUG Cantabria (2014-2017) and UVic (2007-present). Professor in the speech therapy department of EUG Cantabria (2014-2017). Professor in different postgraduate courses and specialised courses on neurological physiotherapy since 1993. Clinical specialization: strokes from the motor, visual and linguistic approach. Facial palsy, vertigo.