

Roberto Cano de la Cuerda

Physiotherapist. Associate professor in the department of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation and physical medicine (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos).


Physiotherapist. Official master’s degree in neurological pathology. PhD awarded by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD special prize. Associate professor in the department of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation and physical medicine of the faculty of health sciences (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). Academic secretary of the department. Member of the Laboratory of Movement Analysis, Biomechanics, Ergonomics, and Motor Control (LAMBECOM). Postdoctoral grant at Harvard Medical School and University of California Irvine (EUA). Accredited as a university professor by ANECA. Six-year research experience officially recognised by CNEAI. Author of 50 articles indexed in the area of Health Sciences and editor of four books about neurorehabilitation. Participation in over 80 national and international congresses and scientific conferences. Clinical, teaching, and research experience in New Technologies in neurorehabilitation and neurological physiotherapy in adult patients.


09:15-10:45MasterclassSemi-immersive virtual reality in the treatment of neurological patients. Roberto Cano de la Cuerda Rosa M. Ortiz Gutiérrez
11:00-12:30MasterclassSemi-immersive virtual reality in the treatment of neurological patients. Roberto Cano de la Cuerda Rosa M. Ortiz Gutiérrez
16:00-16:45SpeechNew technologies in neurorehabilitation I Roberto Cano de la Cuerda

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