

Roy La Touche Arbizu

Physiotherapist. Doctor in Pain Study and Treatment. Director of the Institute in Neuroscience and Movement Sciences of the Higher Center for University Studies La Salle, Autonomous University of Madrid


Physiotherapist. Doctor in Pain Study and Treatment. Professor and Researcher at CSEU La Salle, Autonomous University of Madrid. He is director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Movement Sciences (INCIMOV) and the University Master in Advanced Physiotherapy in Pain Treatment. He has published more than 50 articles in specialized journals on Neuroscience, Therapeutic Exercise, Biobehavioral factors involved in pain and craniofacial pain and craniomandibular disorders. He performs his clinical practice at FisioCranioClinic exclusively treating patients with neuromusculoskeletal disorders, craniomandibular dysfunctions and craniofacial pain and headaches.


12:45-13:30SpeechPhysiotherapy in craniomandibular disorders and chronic craniofacial pain. Decision making from a biobehavioral paradigm Roy La Touche Arbizu
14:30-15:15MasterclassFactors to take into account in the clinical evaluation of intra-articular temporomandibular disorders Roy La Touche Arbizu

Physiotherapy in its pure state Are you going to miss it?

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